Preliminary Ecological Appraisal – Involves an Extended Phase 1 survey to assess a site`s suitability for protected species, most notably amphibians, bats, nesting birds, badgers, dormouse, otter, reptiles, water vole.
Preliminary Roost Assessment - The conversion of buildings particular those of an older construction often require an initial assessment to determine their suitability for roosting bats/nesting birds. Our surveyors hold Natural England/Natural Resources Wales Licenses to enter bat roosts to enable them to do this. An initial assessment of this type can be undertaken at any time of the year however it is useful do this at an early stage of a planning application to determine whether Phase 2 bat surveys are necessary which can only be performed between May and September.
Phase 1 mapping - Salopian Consultancy have GIS resources to allow the mapping and categorisation of habitats. Such inputs can then be used to feed into a Preliminary Ecological Appraisal, Management Plans or Biodiversity Net Gain studies.
Phase 2 surveys – Our in house team of ecologists hold protected species licence for bats, great crested newts with associates who hold the expertise to undertake breeding bird survey and NVC botanical surveys.
Biodiversity Net Gain – Achieving a net gain in biodiversity has become a requirement of Local Planning Authorities when considering planning permissions. The aim of such an approach is to ensure the environment is in a better condition post development in a way that can be measured quantitatively.